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Solomon’s Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being deepens the 博客來網路書局study of consumer behavior into an investigation of how having (or not having) certain products affects our lives. Solomon looks at how possessions influence how we feel about ourselves and each other, especially in the canon of social media and the digital age.
In the Twelfth Edition, Solomon has revised and updated the content to reflect major marketing trends and changes that impact the study of consumer behavior. Since we are all consumers, many of the topics have both professional and personal relevance to students, making it easy to apply them outside of the classroom. The updated text is rich with up-to-the-minute discussions on a range of topics such as “Dadvertising,” “Meerkating,” and the “Digital Self” to maintain an edge in the fluid and evolving field of consumer behavior.
作者: Michael R. Solomon
新功能介紹博客來好書- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2017/05/19
- 語言:英文
Consumer Behavior- Buying, Having, and Being(12版)
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